Policia local
Hoy es jueves 5 de julio y la policia local han venido a visitarnos con sus coches de policia, sirenas, chachiporras, pistolas y esposas.
Primero nos enseñaron su coche, dejandonos sentar dentro y permitiendonos a hablar por el altavoz. Después de que todos los grupos tomaron su turno, sentamos en el cesped, debajo de los toldos mientras que nos enseñaron los insignias de su uniforme, explicaron como su pistola estaba atada a su cinturon para que los malos no pudian utilizarlo en contra suya. Tambien explicaron a los niños que hacer si se perdieron y como cruzar la carretera. Se fueron con sus sirenes para la delicia de los niños.
Local Police
Today is Thursday the 5th of July and the local police came to visit us with their policecars, sirens, truncheons, guns and handcuffs.
First of all they showed us their car, letting us sit inside and allowing us to talk over their loud-speaker. After all of the groups had had their turn, we all sat down under the awnings on the false grass while they showed us the badges on their uniforms, explained how their gun was tied to their belts so that the baddies couldn’t take it and use it against them. They also told all the children what to do if they got lost and how to cross the road safely. They left with the sirens turned on to the children’s delight and applause.