So you want to prepare for your grade 12 GESE exam with Trinity College London.
The advantages of doing your exams with Trinity College London are quite straight forward. You have the choice of a two part speaking, listening exam (GESE grade 12) or the four part speaking, listening, reading and writing exam (ISE IV). Both have been graded C2 by the Common European Framework of Reference. The second advantage is that the results are issued at the end of the day. These results are provisional, but you will basically know if you have passed or failed immediately, without having to wait the eight weeks to get your certificate. Another advantage is that if you do the exam and fail, then you have a second opportunity after a minimum of 30 days and before the maximum of a year, for this you only pay a minimal administration fee (approximately 20 euros), and can resit in any Trinity examination centre near you.
In this course we will go through every aspect of the syllabus to make sure you are ready before the exam. What things mean, examples, ideas for the formal topic presentation and explanations of all the different language functions required at this level.
Well let’s start off by looking at the syllabus.
Total exam time: 25 minutes
Exam format: The exam consists of five assessed phases:
1. Formal presentation of a topic prepared by the candidate (up to 5 minutes)
2. Candidate-led discussion of the topic presentation with the examiner (up to 5 minutes)
3. Interactive task (up to 5 minutes)
4. Listening task (up to 3 minutes)
5. Conversation on two subject areas selected by the examiner (up to 6 minutes).
Candidate performance
In addition to the items listed for the previous grades, the candidate is expected to demonstrate the following communicative skills and meet the language requirements during the exam.
Communicative skills
In the Formal topic presentation phase
– Present a complex topic with a high degree of linguistic formality to the examiner, who will probably be unfamiliar with the subject matter
– Present a clear argument with an effective logical structure which helps the examiner to notice and remember significant points
– Bring the presentation to a logical conclusion by inviting questions and comments from the examiner.
In the Topic discussion phase
– Initiate the discussion and actively seek ways in which to engage the examiner in a meaningful exchange of ideas and opinions
– Take full responsibility for the maintenance of the discussion
– Be able to deal effectively with the examiner’s input by responding to a variety of conversational gambits and handling in-depth questioning.
In the Interactive phase
– Control and sustain the discussion at all times
– Actively encourage the examiner’s collaboration in the task
– Direct the interaction towards a successful conclusion
In the Listening phase
– Understand texts on abstract and complex topics which may be of a specialist nature beyond his or her own field
– Understand virtually everything heard when delivered at natural native speaker speed
– Identify implicit meaning
In the Conversation phase
– Take full responsibility for the maintenance of the conversation
– Hold a discussion unconstrained by linguistic limitations, without showing signs of having to restrict what he or she wants to say
– Introduce his or her contribution into the joint discourse with natural turn-taking and referencing
– Demonstrate the ability to make an unobtrusive substitution for a word or expression he or she
is unable to recall
Language requirements
Language functions
– Asserting
– Denying
– Softening and downplaying propositions
– Contradicting
– Implying
– Affirming
– A comprehensive and reliable mastery of a very wide range of language to formulate thoughts precisely, give emphasis and eliminate ambiguity.
– Differing linguistic forms to reformulate ideas and convey finer shades of meaning
– Complete and consistent grammatical control of highly complex language at all times.
– A good command of a very broad lexical repertoire
– A wide range of idiomatic expressions and colloquialisms
– Phrases and expressions relating to the language functions listed above
– Produce individual sounds so as to be fully understood by the examiner, with only a rare sound that deviates from an internationally intelligible model
– Stress and intonation patterns which are recognisably specific to English without any lapses in intelligibility.
Subject areas for the Conversation phase
There are no specific subject areas for Grade 12
Candidates should be able to make use of a wide range of vocabulary items relating to all other previous subject areas as well as other subjects of general or topical interest.
At this grade, candidates are expected to be able to enter into discussion on any subject that the examiner deems appropriate for the individual candidate. The age of the candidate will be taken into account when the examiner makes his or her choice.
Grade 12 communicative skills and language requirements have been mapped to C2 in the CEFR.