Guidance with genres. Here is the PDF file that you may download to study. ISE Guidance with Genres
C1 course – Block 2 handouts
These are the student handouts for each week. If you have missed a class you can download and print them. C1 - 4a Designer goods C1 - 4b
Role models
In this unit we will be not only talking about role models and Stereotypes from the ISE III curriculum but also Roles in the family (list A) and Equal
C1 grammar functions
ISE iii for dummies
Aquí sigo la famosa serie “para dummies”, osea os lo pongo todo en bandeja ? El examen de C1 (ISE iii) tiene dos partes. Una parte oral que
Collaborative task preparation – ISE iii
ISE iii Interactive task with grammar functions It is very easy to incorporate the grammar functions into a conversation. Here is an example of how